About Us
The Bellefonte Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) was founded on October 10, 1895, in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, the county seat of Centre County and home to four Pennsylvania governors. Our charter members were benefactors of the Farmers High School, later the Pennsylvania State University.
Our chapter has two Real Daughters; women who were first generation daughters of an American Revolutionary War Patriot.
Meetings are held monthly from September through June. Below is a typical program year for our chapter.
Meetings are usually held on Saturdays or in the evenings, to accommodate the typical workweek schedule. Most of our chapter activities are held in State College, Pennsylvania, or the surrounding areas.
We would love to welcome you to an upcoming meeting.
Please contact our chapter regent for information on our next event.
Fall Events
My Patriot Program
Members share information about their Revolutionary War Patriots.
United Way Day of Caring
Members provide community service to a local organization.
National Defense Luncheon
A joint meeting of the Bellefonte Chapter, NSDAR, and the Centre County Chapter, Sons of The American Revolution (SAR).
Veterans Day Luncheon
A joint meeting of the Bellefonte Chapter, NSDAR, and the Centre County Chapter, SAR.
Christmas Luncheon
A social event for Bellefonte Daughters.
Toys for Tots
Community service wrapping gifts for the Toys for Tots organization.
Wreaths Across America
Honor veterans by placing wreaths on graves at a Wreaths Across America site.
Spring and Summer Events
DAR/SAR Show and Tell
A joint meeting of the Bellefonte Chapter, NSDAR, and the Centre County Chapter, SAR. Members share items from their heritage.
American History Essay Contest Winners
Essay contest winners are recognized.
Washington's Birthday Luncheon
A joint meeting of the Bellefonte Chapter, NSDAR, and the Centre County Chapter, SAR.
DAR Program Presentation
A program aligned with DAR's mission of patriotism, historic preservation, and/or education.
Annual Meeting
Members come together to promote the ideals of the organization.
Naturalization of New Citizens
Celebration of new Centre County residents who become naturalized citizens of the United States of America.
Memorial Day Flagging
Honoring Revolutionary War Patriots throughout Centre County by placing Betsy Ross flags on their graves.
Memorial Day
Bellefonte Chapter, NSDAR, staffs a booth at the Boalsburg Memorial Day festival.
Flag Day Picnic
A joint meeting of the Bellefonte Chapter, NSDAR, and the Centre County Chapter, SAR.